So, not only has the summer come since my last post, but it has also nearly gone away. Next week is our last official week off, and then we report back to work for the next school year. It has been a rough summer. I was really looking forward to this summer with our two girls. I had many plans including dance and swim lessons for Katie, and getting caught up on various projects....
School let out mid June. A week after that we flew to Texas for the wedding of one of Josh's best friends. He was the best man and Katie was a flower girl. We had a ton of fun (even though we left Hannah home!) Katie was adorable and had a blast throughout the trip.
Unfortunately a few days after we returned Josh's grandfather passed away. Two days after that, my grandmother passed away. She had been ill for several years, but it is still hard to think about. She and I were extremely close while I was growing up and I always felt like we had a special connection. Yesterday my grandparents would have celebrated their 60th anniversary. It was definately a sad day where it should have been more happy....
I did have the honor of flying to Boston last week with my grandfather. He took me up on my invite to join Hannah and myself in visiting my older sister and her family. We were originally going to fly up and then drive down with Lisa and her kids, but she couldn't come down after she flew down here for my grandmothers service. So we flew up instead and spent a few days with her family. It was fun and a nice way to end a rather rough and emotional summer.
So that is our last couple of months. Many times I have though of something cute the kids said or did, and realized that such a story, quote or picture would be perfect to share on this blog. I vow to start up again, and will post a large number of pictures and even videos
this weekend!Stay tuned......