Sunday night we went to a pool party. Katie went swimming right away, but Hannah, true to form stood around glaring for awhile. Once she watched her sister long enough she decided to go in and had a ball!

At the end of the party Hannah got herself all dolled up and was ready to go!

Last night Josh and I went to Disney to celebrate our 7 year anniversary a couple days early. My mom took the girls to sleep over her house. Katie was so excited to sleep over her GG's that she had me pack her backpack right after she woke up! She wore it around for a couple of hours, and asked me about 15 times, "When is she coming?" It was so cute!
The girls are at such a fun age right now. Boy do they love each other! Josh told Katie the other day that she was actually the boss of the house, because Hannah follows her around and copies pretty much everything she does! If we want Hannah to do something and she is ignoring us, all we have to do is get Katie to do it or pretend and Hannah will soon follow! :-) Hannah is talking up a storm too! And she tells you exactly what she wants and does not want. But my favorite thing is she says, like her sister used to....."Mommy hold you!" Instead of "Mommy hold me." I love it when my girls say that and I just remember being so sad when Katie stopped!
So I am pretty much off for the summer. Josh works 10 hour days Monday thru Thursdays and will have 3 day weekends for the summer. I know I have to plan activities for the girls to keep them busy and occupied! Katie was picking up so much at school (like she learned some of periodic table and pretty much how to write her alphabet) so I hope she doesn't decline while home with me! I got some "Princess" writing and reading books and so far Katie has daily "homework" which she likes very much. I also want to try and get some art projects for both girls and hopefully get some of my "art" projects done in the process. I have a large rubbermaid bin full of memorabilia that I really hope to scrapbook. Wish me luck!
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